Monday, 13 June 2016


Full Figured Fashion Week 2016 started in NYC Sunday with "Redefining Healthy" event.  Founded by Darlene Lebron, blogger of "Suits Heels & Curves", this event was put together to get women looking at being healthy from a 360 degree point of view.  The event deal with self confidence, beauty, fashion and physical activity to gets woman talking and sharing about health in a completely different light.

Darlene & blogger Curvy Chick Confidential

Bloggers and influences were in attendance

Farrah from EFR blog

Blogger & Influencer Chante'

With opening marks form Gwen DeVoe, founder of Full Figured Fashion Week, the event got on its way to a packed house.
Blogger Marcy Cruz headed a panel discussion where we got to hear from some of the industry top movers and shakers.   
Panelist Marcy Cruz, Ally Gursky and Rosaliz Jimenez

Panelist Sasha Renee

Panelist Valeria (look out for this tween blogger!!!)

The panel discussion was followed by a work out from Jessie Dias who is a certified Vixen Instructor.
 I have to take one of her classes

After a nice sexy work out, we finished with secrets from Ada Rojas, Gypsy in the City, and Steffany Allen, fellow fashion stylist. 

Gypsy in the City
Steffany Allen

The event ended with Author and Keynote speaker Sahar Paz.  Can I just say that she gave me multiple chills.  Her story was real and her words was even better. 

In the end the event sparked a lot of ideas and conversations that need to continue in not only the plus community but in women community in general.  The great thing is that this conversation doesn't end here.  Darlene along with Sahar will continue the discussion in March 2017 with the Redefining Healthy Workshop. 

Follow up and stay on top of this movement at