With September coming most may think skirts and bare legs are out but not for this plus size fashionista.
I love the feel of a cool breeze on these thick claves. As a child and young adult, I coved them up. Thinking my knees was something to cover because they didn't look like what I saw was acceptable. Now I feel if you don't like it...turn away and keep your opinions to yourself.
I had a hard time choosing just one photo so this post have more photos than usual but they are all beautiful. The outfit started with the skirt. I wanted to pair with denim to highlight the blue and white in the skirt.
To add a bit more color I went with a pink lip and white and green head wrap. But I couldn't forget my fashion snob button. It has become a new item that goes on all my jackets. Its what I love to wear.
Top & Jacket: Ashley Stewart
Skirt: Lu La Roe Heather Hanna
Shoes: Ashley Stewart
Shades: Mirina Collections
photos by: Matey Ghaslow