Today Dia & Co., personal styling and subscription box company for the plus size women, took out a full page at in the New York Times calling for ALL fashion designers to start being size inclusive. This would call for them to not stop at a size 10 but to go up to a size 24 to include the plus size market. The ad is published on the first day of the most recognize fashion event in the world, New York Fashion Week.
With 67% of the population being over a size 14, its crazy that in 2016 such an ad has to be done. Designer should be more than happy to carry every size in order to gain over half the population and gain more revenue. Why hasn't the industry as a whole changed? Most think it has to do with the brands loosing their skinny target audience and being rejecting the brand. We all see that that is not true. When Christian Siriano made a line of plus size clothing for Lane Bryant, put plus size models on his runway and dressed some of Hollywood hottest plus size starlets, his fan base increase, his brand presents increase and revenue increased.
He is proof that the old way of fashion is dyeing. I'm here to say that the old way of the fashion industry is rapidly changing with the rapid change in technology, population and social media.
I applaud Dia & Co. for giving am opportunity for designer like Kate Spade and DVF to recognize the change in fashion and move with the times. Plus size designers have already seen the change and done something about it. A lot of plus designers and retailers have added size 10/12 to gain that "not so plus" market. Now its the designers turn to do what's right.
So what can you do to help the movement?
Join in on the campaign and let your favorite designer know you want them to be size inclusive. Copy this picture, or the one above, and post it to your social media page with hashtags #movefashionforward
Make sure to @ the designers
Also visit Dia&Co campaign site also
Check out Dia &Co. HERE to see what this company is all about.
Tweet, Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram this movement today!!!!